Correctional And Community Mental Health Psychology Training Program

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Mental health and mental illness. According to the U. S. surgeon general 1999, mental health is the successful performance of mental function, resulting in. The IU South Bend Department of Psychology serves our students, the community, and the discipline by educating and researching in the science and practice of psychology. The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice Objective Investigations of Controversial and Unorthodox Claims in Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, and Social Work. Students and graduates hired by Research and Innovation work with faculty researchers to help provide realworld solutions for business, industry and the community. Mental Health Acronyms. A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N    O   P   Q    R   S   T   U    V   W   X   Y   ZThis list of acronyms was compiled from a variety of sources. An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from each of the first letters of a descriptive phrase orby combining the initial letters orparts of words from the phrase. Here are some examples of acronyms ALOS   Average Length of Stay. ACT     Assertive Community Treatment To find the acronym you are looking for select the first letter of the abbreviation oracronym from the letter menu above. Then point and click on that letter to jump to the appropriate section of the list. Back to Top. Back to Top. BAFBaseline Assessment Form. BASCBehavior Assessment System for Children. BASERBureau of Adult Services Evaluation Research. BCHIBureau of Criminal History Information. BCM OMH Blended Case Management BED IBureau of Environmental Design Improvement and Real Property Services. BENDEXBeneficiary Earnings and Data Exchange. BERDBehavior Event Requiring Documentation. BEWDBureau of Education and Workforce Development. BHBoarding Home BHSBureau of Housing Services. BIC Bureau of Inspection and Certification BIPBehavior Modification Plans. BMHCBrooklyn Mental Health Council BOCESBoard of Cooperative Educational Services. BOENew York City Department of Education Board of Education. BORNew York State Board of Regents. BOVBoard of Visitors. BPDBorderline Personality Disorder. BRPS Bureau of Real Property Services BSC Balanced Scorecard BSMHBBaltic Street Mental Health Board BSWBachelor of Social Work. BUS Building Usage Summary Back to Top. Back to Top. D TCDiagnostic Treatment Center. DADevelopmental Aide or. Dormitory Authority. DAIDisability Advocates, Inc. DAPDisability Advocacy Program. DARSDivision of Administration Revenue Support. DASNYDormitory Authority of the State of New York. Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness InformationServices for Legal Mental Health Professionals. Minnesota Department of Corrections, state prison facilities and community supervision. The services listed below are available statewide. Controller Device Driver Windows 7 here. For more services that may be available to you, please see our day to day services index. If you cant find what. DBMSDatabase Management System. DCDevelopmental Center. DCASDepartment of Citywide Administrative Services. DCCDay Care Center. DCJSNew York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. DCNDocument Control Number. DDDevelopmental Disabilities or. Developmentally Disabled. DDCDepartment of Design Construction. DDPDevelopmental Disabilities Profile. DDPCNew York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. DDSODevelopmental Disabilities Service Office DEA Data Exchange Agreement or. United States Drug Enforcement Agency DEPDepartment of Environmental Protection. Correctional And Community Mental Health Psychology Training Program' title='Correctional And Community Mental Health Psychology Training Program' />DFANew York State Department of Family Assistance formerly Department of Social Services DFAS Deputy Director of Facility Administrative Services DFTANew York City Department for the Aging. DHCRNew York State Division of Housing Community Renewal. DHHS Federal Department of Health and Human Services. DHMHNew York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. DIGData Infrastructure Grant. DIRTData Integrity Review Team Visits. DLSWDirect Local Sheltered Workshop. DMEDurable Medical Equipment. DMHNew York State Department of Mental Hygiene. DMHADivision of Mental Health and Addiction DMHIS Department Mental Hygiene Information System DMHMRNew York City Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation Alcoholism Services. DMVNew York State Department of Motor Vehicles. DNRDo Not Resuscitate. DNSDomain Name Service DOBNew York State Division of Budget. DOCDepartmental Operations Center. DOHNew York State Department of Health. DOJUnited States Department of Justice. DOLNew York State Department of Labor. DOSDepartment of Sanitation. DOTNew York State Department of Transportation. DPCDischarge Planning Committee. DPCANew York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives DPRDepartment of Parks Recreation. DPSDiagnostic Predictive Scales. DQADirector of Quality Assurance or. Division of Quality Assurance. DRCDiagnostic and Research Clinic. DRGDiagnostic Related Group. DSDistrict Superintendent. DSHDisproportionate Share. DSM IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th editionDSRIPDelivery System Reform Incentive Payment. DSSDepartment of Social Services. DSWDirect Sheltered Workshop. DTDay Treatment. DVADivision of Veterans Affairs. DVEDiagnostic Vocational Evaluation. Back to Top. EAPEmployee Assistance Program. EBPs. Evidence Based Practices. EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer. EBTDCEvidenced Based Treatment Dissemination Center. ECCElectronic Claim Capture. ECDCEarly Childhood Direction Centers ECECEarly Childhood Education Center. ECIAEducation Consolidation Improvement Act. ECRGEmergency Communications Resource Guide. ECTElectroconvulsive Therapy. EDGAREducation Department General Administrative Regulations. EDIElectronic Data Interchange. EDPEmotionally Disturbed Person. EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission. EIExcess Income or. Early Intervention. EISEnvironmental Impact Statement. EISEPExpanded In Home Services for Elderly Persons. EMODEnvironmental Modification. Empathize. Listen. EMS Emergency Medical Services. EMSSEmergency Medical Services System. EOExecutive Order. EOCEmergency Operations Center e. Projects. Project Management System. EPSDTEarly Periodic Screening Diagnostic Treatment Program ERD Entity Relationship Diagram ERGOEnergy Reporting and Graphing Online ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Software ESDCNew York State Empire State Developmental Corporation. ETACEnterprise Technical Architecture Committee EW Extended Warranties Back to Top. FAFamily Assistance. FASFetal Alcohol Syndrome. FBAFunctional Behavioral Assessments. FBTFamily Based Treatment. FBTPFamily Based Treatment Program. FCFamily Care. FCHFamily Care Home. FDAUnited States Food and Drug Administration. FDCFamily Development Credentialing. FEGSFederation Employment and Guidance Service, Inc. FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FFCFoster Family Care. FFPFederal Financial Participation. FFSFee For Service. FFYFederal Fiscal Year. FHFountain House. FHAFair Housing Act. FICCFacility Information Center Coordinator. Fin. Trans. Financial Transaction System. FISFinancial Information System. FLSAFair Labor Standards Act. FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act. FMSFinancial Management System. FOIAFreedom of Information Act. FOILFreedom of Information Law. FRE Facility Real Estate. FSSFamily Support Services or. Federal Salary Sharing. FTEFull Time Equivalent. FUAFFollow up Assessment Form. FYFiscal Year. Back to Top. GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles. GAASGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards. GAFGlobal Assessment of Functioning GASB Government Accounting Standards Board GEDGeneral Equivalency Diploma. G I Ngross income net GME Graduate Medical Education GOERNew York State Governors Office of Employee Relations. Back to Top. HASAHIVAIDS Service Administration. HAVAHelp America Vote Act. HAZMATHazardous Materials Communications Training. HBCIHome Based Crisis Intervention. HCBSHome and Community Based Services sometimes W, for Waiver, is appendedHCFAHealth Care Financing Administration. HCRAHealth Care Reform Act. HCRAHealth Care Reform Act. HFANew York State Housing Finance Agency. HFCHospital Forensic Committee. HHCNew York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. HHSUnited States Department of Health and Human Services. HHS IGUnited States Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General HIM Health Information Management HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1. HITHealth care information technology. HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus. HMOHealth Maintenance Organization. HRHuman Resources.